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Published on May 14, 2007 By DorkCoffeez In ObjectDock

We have had a few reports of people having trouble with ITunes and ObjectDock Plus. However we have not been able to replicate the troubles people have had with regularity of any kind. If you are having troubles with this please post here and let me know. Please be sure to include your OS.

Just before you post a few simple things corrected the issues for a few people.

-update video drivers (even more important with NVidia Vista users)
-update to latest versions of both peices of software.

Should you be having troubles in just this kind of conflict please let me know here or start a ticket with


on Dec 30, 2007
I run into a problem where running iTunes from the dock causes Vista to run the desktop in basic mode. I'm running Vista 64bit Ultimate w/SP1 RC1 and ObjectDock 1.90 b537u. I have an nVidia 8800GTX with 169.25 WHQL drivers installed.
on Dec 30, 2007
Thank you for the info. I will try that out.
on Dec 31, 2007
****Update - I closed the Mouse and Keyboard Settings (Setpoint) software and launched it with Administrator rights and then launched IE from the dock and I was able to use my programmed mouse buttons. I guess everything launched from the dock runs under Admin when the dock is running with Admin rights?


I'm running ObjectDock with Administrator privileges and run into a problem where applications launched from the dock lost the ability to receive commands from Logitech Setpoint software. I have an MX Revolution where keystrokes are assigned to buttons that don't have the option to assign Generic Mouse Button to them. So for example the horizontal scroll left and right button presses normally send Home and End keystroke commands respectively. If I launch an IE session from a desktop icon or start menu the commands work as they always have. When IE is launched from the dock I lose that ability for the IE window launched from the dock. The other IE windows launched from the desktop icon works just fine.

Right clicking on My Computer brings up the correct context menu but attempting to access the Manage list item returns and ObjectDock.exe MessageBox which reads "Application Not Found".

It should be noted that I now have ObjectDock launching as a scheduled task(at logon) to get around the Vista security limitation where elevated processes are blocked at startup. The task has Full Elevation assigned to it.

I'll try launching Setpoint with Administrator rights and see if that fixes it but it would be nice not to run any of this stuff with elevated rights. Is this going to change in the next release or is this a necessary evil due to Vista x64 architecture?

If you were wondering why I'm running the dock with full admin rights, I lose the ability to assign icons to certain processes and it was also noted somewhere that ObjectDock should be run with elevated rights when installed on Vista x64.

If you need any testing performed, let me know. I would be glad to help. I really like this product and would love to see it working properly under Vista x64.

Now I'm off to find some quality 2X2GB ram for this machine.

Happy New Year!!!
on Jan 03, 2008
When you run any application "Elevated" in Vista, non-elevated apps will be unable to process messages for it. This is not an ObjectDock issue, but a design decision on Microsoft's part for Vista. Normally, you'd run ObjectDock non-elevated, and any shortcut that needs elevation would ask when you launch. Otherwise, any app that runs elevated will not see SetPoint (or any other software) unless that software is launched elevated as well.

If ObjectDock needs to be elevated, this is an issue with ObjectDock, and as such, should be addressed by Stardock Support.

As far as iTunes, a suggestion I made in another thread: Make sure you're Sun Java Runtime has been updated, as well as Quicktime (which should have been updated with iTunes).
on Jan 03, 2008
I don't think you understood my post. I understand how processes running with standard user rights cannot process messages/interact with processes running with admin rights. I don't have an issue with running ObjectDock as admin but I'm wondering if it is entirely necessary for ObjectDock to launch programs with elevated rights. I figured ObjectDock would continue to launch the apps using standard rights even though ObjectDock is running with admin rights in order to maintain complete control. So yes, for certain things like assigning an icon to an elevated process, you need ObjectDock to run as admin.

On another note, what does Sun Java have to do with iTunes? I don't have Sun Java installed and I don't remember it ever being a requirement. What's going on there? Take ObjectDock out of the equation and iTunes runs without any problems, save for a little issue with the iPod touch not being supported under Vista x64 (VMWare 6.0.2 to the rescue). I'm really curious about that one.