Games for every day Joes and Janes, all day, like it's your job. Updated every Mon - Wed - Fri
Published on November 15, 2007 By DorkCoffeez In Object Desktop

Just a quick little thing from support. Currently support phones are set to answer between the hours of Mon-Fri 9-4pm EST. We often get queries on when we will be available on weekends. Officially support is not available on weekends but more times than not the support staff is looking in just in case disaster strikes, or just wants to get ahead of work.

A lot of this many will know already. However Stardock is getting new traffic and I have noticed this coming up more of late.

Due to the "first come first serve" of our email queue system it is still a really good idea to get your ticket in right away. Once we formally come back on Monday those are the first tickets that we take care of. This is in an effort to have no one wait longer than 48 hours.

The other note I should mention is do not send a reply in if you are still waiting for an answer. Once again due to our system that will update the ticket time as to when the last email was sent in. So if a reply is sent a day after you send the first email then the timer is reset to 0 and it starts over again.

I am only bringing this up so that everyone, veterans and newbies alike, can take full advantage of the support system. Also support is present on the forums but if you are not getting an answer bump your thread to the top. I can assure you that support wants to help as often as possible.

If you have any questions please let us know.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 14, 2008
Something may be wrong, i just can't archive Version 3.99.144 ...

1°) Ok i've been able to restore V 3.20.128 without activatin trouble. BUT after a reboot, as i want to download and archive V 3.99.144 (before updating IP) here's the .log error message:

[copy On]

-- [Application] ----------------------------------------------------
Name: Stardock Central
Path: C:\Program Files\Stardock\SDCentral
Version: 2.54.522, build: 167

-- [System Information] ---------------------------------------------
Platform: Microsoft Windows Windows XP, 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2
Display: NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440 with AGP8X
Driver Version:
System Dir: C:\WINDOWS\system32
Time / Date: 22:13:22 -- Monday, April 14, 2008

-- [Installing] -----------------------------------------------------
Server Dir: public
Network Id: odnt
Name: Icon Set for IconPackager
App Id: ip
Installed: False
Version: 3.20.009
Type: production
Reg Key: IconPackager
Install Dir: C:\Program Files\Stardock\Object Desktop\IconPackager
Last Updated: 04/12/2008

-- [Account] --------------------------------------------------------
First Name: Philippe
Last Name: PAQUET
Email: xxxxx@yyyyyyyyyy

-- [Installation] ---------------------------------------------------
Download: C:\Program Files\Stardock\SDCentral\data\public\ip\production\ip_IconSet.xml 1
Load: C:\Program Files\Stardock\SDCentral\data\public\ip\production\ip_IconSet.xml 1
Download: E:\Stardock\SDCentral\Downloads\ip_IconSet.sdc 1
Error: No files found within the XML file (Code: 16)
Result: Download and Archive failed (16)

[copy OFF]

Why it's considering IP as not installed ? and not with the version which is installed ?   

2°) Then i even tried to update the V 3.20.128 and after the reboot i've IP 3.99.144 installed with the new interface but still with languages not working ...   

though, back to 3.20.128 unless a correct version will be out ...
on Jan 31, 2009

Having the same problem. I want my software. I tried sending an email to support a few minutes agao about this issue and i got back a message saying it did not go through and noted about 8 reasons why it may not have happened, none of which applied unless damned able is considered profanity these days. I'm just plain frustrated latley trying to get things done on Stardock. SInce Impulse instead of the Stardock Central that worked flawlessly everything seems like pulling teeth.

Oh well that's progress, (Progress?) I guess. Good luck. I just sent another email and can't wait because i said darned. Can't imagine what kind of rejection I get this time.


on Jan 31, 2009

try going to and creating a case there.  They will see it on Monday.


What exactly is the problem?  (the original pst is 8 months old . . and there have been many updates along the way)
First thing to try: Reinstall the most current Impulse client from here: Impulse Client - Full

on May 12, 2009

any updates yet?

on Jun 20, 2009

Good information.Something may be wrong, i just can't archive Version 3.99.144 ...

* spam* link removed ..... Admin

on Jan 21, 2010

i simithize with ya, i hate stardock now that there is no phone suppor. seems they got all high and mighty now and no longer care about customers. i have been emailing back and forth for weeks trying to get a problem solved. all i get is auto responsed never an answer to my questions. i am giving up and writing the money off.

on Jan 21, 2010

Floyd Curtis
i simithize with ya, i hate stardock now that there is no phone suppor. seems they got all high and mighty now and no longer care about customers. i have been emailing back and forth for weeks trying to get a problem solved. all i get is auto responsed never an answer to my questions. i am giving up and writing the money off.

Are the auto replies telling you that your mail has been rejected for some reason, or that a case has been opened and you will get a reply?

Also are you replying to the same mail each time as this will reset its position in the queue.

on Jul 10, 2010



In statistics, the method of support is a technique that is used to make inferences from datasets.



 spam removed - admin

on Jul 10, 2010

In statistics, the method of support is a technique that is used to make inferences from datasets.



on Jul 10, 2010


He go bye-bye.....

on Jul 10, 2010

He go bye-bye.....


on Jul 10, 2010
It must be a question of privilege, with each time j' have write with the support or to send messages to people of the personnel or they are too occupied to answer me or they n' did not receive my messages. However j' write in English and I am always polished. When I see the beautiful speeches of some and the beautiful sentences qu' there is kind (you show your support by buying products and to make so that the site exists). J' was always correct but c' is not that which function and j' in often have the proof, there are nevertheless some people who were very sympas and when the d' number is seen; member, that does not weigh heavy, c' is dommage.WC with tendency to disgusted and not to give desire. Such an amount of worse if I cannot buy master skin any more and so when j' a problem I will have n' will not obtain d' helps that it is support or other. What is well when one is very disgusted, c' is that l' one finishes by more nothing regretting.
on Jul 10, 2010

Chris161, I hate to tell you but whatever translator you are using, it is not working very well at all.  I read your entire post above and I have no idea what you are talking about.

Chris161, je n'aime pas vous dire, mais tout ce traducteur, vous utilisez, il ne fonctionne pas très bien à tous. J'ai lu votre message ci-dessus tout et je n'ai aucune idée de ce dont vous parlez.

on Jan 01, 2011

Hello..I tried a lot but having the same problem. I want my software that should work according to my need...

on Jan 05, 2011

I curretnly have 4 docks installed (top, bottom, left and right sides).


How do I delete one or more of the docks in their entirety?


Also, I can no longer find a clock docklet in my setup.  How can I get it back or reinstall it?





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