Games for every day Joes and Janes, all day, like it's your job. Updated every Mon - Wed - Fri
Published on March 27, 2008 By DorkCoffeez In WinCustomize News

Friday March 28th at 12:30pm                                                                                             

There will be a downtime for the ESupport system. If you are not aware this is the email support center for Stardock. That means no support will be available until the service is brought back up. It is expected to take several hours to complete. We ask that you wait some time before submitting any emails to us. If you receive error messages after waiting several hours please keep trying as they will eventually get through.

If you had read earlier posts in the support forum you will notice over the last two weeks that we have had intermittent issues with our email software. To fix this issue we have transferred the software to our own servers where our techs can personally oversee any troubles we might have. This will be a major improvement in our support systems and response time to our customers.

We greatly apologize for the trouble and like always support can be reached by phone or in the forums.

Support: 1.734.927.0677

To make any changes to account information use the sales office at: 1.888.Stardock


on Mar 27, 2008
Oh man! I want support and I want it now! Ok ok....I'll just wear my tinfoil hat till then!
on Mar 27, 2008
Thats a cool icon.
on Mar 27, 2008
I saw the title and I thought it meant that Downtime needed some Support. As in the Support the Troops, so you needed help with down time Of course I read the rest so I knew I was incorrect but....
on Mar 27, 2008
Thank you messiah1.
on Mar 28, 2008

Just so everyone is aware, the support system is back up and working much better now that it's hosted locally.  (Has been up for a little while, actually).

Any emails that had been submitted after the initial system was taken down would have been stored on the Stardock mail server until the new system went up and began fetching, so no need to worry about anything having been lost   
