Games for every day Joes and Janes, all day, like it's your job. Updated every Mon - Wed - Fri
Published on November 7, 2008 By DorkCoffeez In Gaming

Atari has confirmed that they will become the new publisher for Ghostbusters: The Video Game since the title was dropped by Activision. Next year the original Ghostbusters will celebrate it's 25 year anniversary and will provide further proof that I am aging rapidly beyond the fact that childhood shows are now showing up on Nick at Nite.

What I like about this franchise is that it seems to be truly beloved by the original creators since Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis are the ones whom have wrote the script for the game. I was even told that Bill Murray and Ernie Hudson are along side them to provide the voice acting but I can't seem to confirm this in so many words anywhere. Since I grew up on the Ghostbusters in all their variations I was really happy to see this was picked up again.

The game promises to be pretty great as far as the need to burn down the world with an unlicensed nuclear accelerator on his back. It also appears that instead of just moving the ghost into position over the trap you have lain you must snare it, then beat the ever loving heck of out it by smacking it into whatever is available.



I ain't afraid of no Seabass


on Nov 07, 2008

I'm glad somebody picked this up.  Ghostbusters is great, and the game actually looks pretty good.  Now we just need to get it on Impulse. 


on Nov 07, 2008

Hmm, as I read this I tried to picture a FPS type of game for Ghostbusters and what came to mind was the zombie version of Call of Duty. It would be interesting to have a Ghostbuster version of Call of Duty or a Call of Duty version of this Ghostbuster game. Just throwing some crazy thoughts out there. I love the Ghostbuster movies, part of my 80's list of fav movies of all time. I never miss it when they give it on TV.

on Nov 07, 2008

I should say that you should check out some of the game play videos. Not only does the beam break and burn everything in sight in a fantastic break-the-whole-world destructive environment. It also shows you going through what must the be the tutorial level. In (what I am assuming is) the learning level you are trying to get to the top of a building while Staypuff/Ghoser punches holes in the walls trying to get to him (while you set his face on fire).


on Nov 10, 2008

hehe that looks great

on Nov 10, 2008

Destroy the world LOL


Cant wait for it to be released. Dang and i'm old enough to remember going to see it at the cinema when it first came out too. Now i feel old!


"The Watcher makes you feel good"

on Nov 10, 2008

I'm so old I remember playing Ghostbusters on the Speccy 48K.  Good times.

on Nov 10, 2008

Marvin Kosh

I'm so old I remember playing Ghostbusters on the Speccy 48K.  Good times.


hehe. I had the C64 version. Loved the game which is really weird because I hate movie-tie inns.

on Nov 11, 2008

Marvin Kosh
I'm so old I remember playing Ghostbusters on the Speccy 48K.  Good times.


Aaah just waiting for the tape to load.... How did we cope back then