Just so you are aware due to poor (very very poor) weather conditions in Michigan some of our servers were up and down this morning. If the weather improves then the service will be less jittery. As of now they are working but more than 90k homes in MI are with out power. Currently there is no disaster but if you had troubles this morning they are fixed. This is more of a heads up.
A new update was published last night however with some Vista installs Stardock Central has an issue. If you are having trouble with the update installing over and over you will need to reinstall Stardock Central. The issue is being corrected as we speak so if you wait till later today the update should work fine. Just an FYI
I have noticed that of late I have been getting more emails asking about drag when using Object Dock on new laptops. Truth be told I am finding that 90% of the time it is due to bad drivers. In several cases I have been directing people here: http://www.laptopvideo2go.com/ Now of course you take your own risks but nearly all the customers that have had this issue have reported good things to me. Almost all the drivers are company made. Like I said non company bound sites are at your ow...
We had quite a few tickets on this matter so I thought Iwould post here as well. The Wincustomize browser was unable to connect for a little over 12+ hours inthe last few days due to a server migration. If you had troubles with this thesituation is corrected now. Please try it again and you should be all set.However if you have any problems of any kind please write into support and letus know about it. Thanks! support@stardock.com Cheers
You might have had an issue registering a updated (and only the updated, meaning you bought the $10 upgrade serial number instead of a new one) serial number for CursorFX. If so that issue has been corrected now please try again. If you still have trouble please let us at support know at support@stardock.com.
Just wanted everyone to know that technically all of the support staff will be off for Christmas till after the 1st. However we will pop in from time to time to stem the flow of incoming troubles and assist where we can. Please just be aware that responses will be slower for a short time. We hope that everyone has a great holiday and we will see you again in 2008! Cheers and good fortune.
CursorFX is now available as a beta through Stardock Central. It went public last night. We are tracking a bug in the upgrade page. When you go to the update page there are several users that have found that the site cannot detect CursorXP on their account. We are fully aware of the issue and are working to correct it. Sorry for the trouble. As a side note users of CursorXP whom used the switch for turning the cursor on and off it has been changed from crtl+shift+c to ctrl+shift+v.
Just a quick little thing from support. Currently support phones are set to answer between the hours of Mon-Fri 9-4pm EST. We often get queries on when we will be available on weekends. Officially support is not available on weekends but more times than not the support staff is looking in just in case disaster strikes, or just wants to get ahead of work. A lot of this many will know already. However Stardock is getting new traffic and I have noticed this coming up more of late. Due to the ...
As a follow up is anyone still having trouble with the latest version of Object Dock Plus and IE7? If so does a quick uninstall/reinstall clear the issue?
6.01 as an update is having a small bit of trouble updating to the 64bit installs. Should you have a conflict updating to this version please simply uninstall WindowBlinds, restart, then install the 6.01 build. This will clear the issue. Sorry for any trouble. Cheers
Happy Holloween or 'ween to your l33ters. Hope everyone has a fun and safe holiday in the middle of the week... with inpending rain.... I am on a 4 movie bender (2 in the theaters two projected on the side of our house for the world to see). This comes to you from the movie Saw4 from a cell phone (we are 2 of 8 people here before you think me one of "thoes people"). If you have seen any of the other movies you have seen this one already. Just an FYI. ANYWAY! Have a great holiday fro...
Hey all, As an avid web comic fan whom here or those that randomly traffic through here is also a comic fan? There are a new up coming comics on the horizon and I was wondering just how much traffic of the art world here likes to read up on them. Also what ones are you favorites? If you want to add the "why" to that question that would also be truly great. here are only a few of mine: Penny Arcade (duh) PvP Real Life Comics Sinfest.net Sheldon LeastICouldDo VGCats and many many...
Seabass here with a weekly topic from the support emails. No we are NOT spyware. This question gets asked very often in support. Many different types of security applications freak out upon the install of several of our applications. Some have, of late, gone so far as to not label this a "possible risk" or "Threat" but have flat out called our software a "Trojan". Many of you Veterans of this site know as well as I what the consequence of having major protection software on your compute...
There was a small hiccup in the fix from yesterday. This issue is not affecting all users. If you have very recently (within the last 2 hours) attempted to activate WindowBlinds 6 and run into an error message we have the issue fixed. Please try again. If you try it again and still get the same results please let us know at support. support@stardock.com.